wholesale coloured contact news

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Why are White Sclera Contacts Such a Halloween Hit?

The power of White Sclera contacts is the way they sit so comfortably and cover the natural colour of the eye – completely...

The Coloured Contact Lenses Halloween is Made For

No-one wants to miss out on the fun and festivities. No retailer wants to miss out on the action...

The Biggest Selling Coloured Contacts for Halloween

You better believe it and that money is spinning faster all the time. Just how fast are we talking? It’s a £420 million one and only going to grow from there...

Get the White Out Contact Lenses the UK is going Mad for

UK party goers are going crazy for a whole range of coloured contacts. One of the biggest hits are White Out contacts...

See how Well Blind Contact Lenses Sell

Halloween is a huge selling point for everyone and anyone. We’d all like to make a little more money and there’s plenty of it going around at Halloween...

Looking out for the Best Halloween Contact Lenses in the UK

Halloween is about to hit the UK in another wave of costume party frenzy. Every year the excitement and the anticipation builds and customers are looking for each and every way to get a great look...